Galba Genealogy
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Anna’s mother, two sisters and one brother left Antwerp on April 2, 1913 and arrived in New York 17 days later on April 19, 1913.  They were in Steerage Class and she said almost everyone aboard was sea sick.  She said she ate her first banana on the ship and liked them ever since.

The ship’s manifest lists Anna Galba, 32; Kata, 11; Anna, 9; Misko, 6; Elisabeta, 3.  They are listed as Hungarian as a Nationality and country with the city/town of Macute listed.  Under ‘race’ it is Croatian.  The address from whence they came was Macute, Vocin.  Their destination is Milwaukee, Wisc. to meet husband.  Next of kin in Macute is Anna’s father, Petar Kostic or Koslic.  Anna Sr. is listed as 4’11”.   They have $10 in their possession. (Can you only imagine that…)  Records show that Croatia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in this period of time including when Anna was born which explains why she said she was born in Austria. Reference: <>

You can visit and do a ‘passenger search’ for Galba.

You will have to register at the site and you can pull up the manifest for Anna Galba.

First Page of SS VADERLAND Manifest:



Second Page of SS VADERLAND Manifest:



First Sight of America                                                                    



                                                      Ellis Island at the time of her arrival:


Ellis Island Today






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